Big Breaking News: coming in as far as the free speech Rao is concerned in Kerala the chief minister has responded says there is no curb on liberties not curbing the freedom of the press so opposition, while hits out at the Kerala chief minister here, is a statement coming in from the chief minister of Kerala is responding on the free speech raw and he claims that the state government has no intention to curb individual liberties and freedom of press remember the left government, in fact, as amended
the Kerala police act empowering the police to arrest or find anyone responsible for offensive social media posts and not just the opposition but some activists also has slammed the government for this let's go across to vivekarindalam who's joining us with more details and amidst the controversy here comes in a statement from the chief minister says there are no curbs on liberties exactly chief minister pindavijn says that you know certain media houses are misleading the people he says
that even though section 118a has been inserted uh into the new amendment uh there is no such, uh you know means of uh scuttling the voice of people who are dissenting or opposing the views of the government but the question here is that the section 118a and the provisions are very very clear it
clearly says that those people who question the government any of the government functionaries you know will face the law uh three years of imprisonment and rupees 10 000 is fine now that's very very clear and the government is still not willing to go back on this now uh
what I
understand is that a senior cpi leader has also condemned this decision he says that the government should look back and you know change certain provisions of this law but you know the ldf government has still not decided uh to do anything right now the government is sticking on to this provision and they say that this amendment will stay now whatever the chief minister says that the amendments the points the main points the fundamental provisions of this amendment remains the same it clearly stipulates and it clearly states that uh you know those people who are questioning any uh the government authorities or any deliberately
commented against any person for that matter you know he or she will be arrested and be put in where and will be uh stay on with us because we're also getting some reactions and both the
bjp and congress have lashed out at the Kerala government over this issue let's listen has been clearly noticed of the press and the freedom of the people and now they have brought this law and they are implemented this is the real face of left parties amendment made in the Kerala police act through an ordinance is illegal and it is a clear violation of the fundamental rights for freedom of expression it is to bypass the supreme god decision by removing the section 66 of the i.t when the provision of an act passed by the parliament had removed by the supreme court how can a state government made legislation in the same line the government is trying to impose police raj and trying to make silence those
who criticize the government the so-called champions of freedom of expression and freedom of media the left parties in India has shown their duplicity and their hypocrisy once again by amending the Kerala police act the new amendment in Kerala police act actually gives powers to the Kerala police to arrest anyone who criticized the government in social media or in media this is nothing but uh but a clear move to implement police raj in Kerala to prevent all kinds of criticism against the government the left government in Kerala is in panic mode from last four-five months after the gold smuggling case has exposed their connection with the anti-national elements well we have more breaking inputs
coming in on the broadcast before that let's go across to shazad punawala is through with us now shazad we were just talking about the statement that is coming from the chief minister of Kerala while the opposition both bjp and congress say that this is the real face of the left government they want to curb freedom of speech uh the kerala cm says there are no curbs that far as liberty is concerned you know there are attempts being made by the left government now to backtrack on this draconian move but it's nothing but a backdoor entry for the dreaded section 66a which was struck down by the supreme court and trying to push that across would be blatantly unconstitutional in fact contempt of the supreme court but here is the point I have removed a statistic which shows that till
June 2019 119 social media activists were arrested or booked by the Kerala government so how can they say that this will not be misused even if some sops were in fact put in place so clearly uh it looks like an attempt to muzzle free speech it looks like a police raj kind of a situation and it looks like the left party or the Vijayan government has been afflicted by the emergency mindset and nothing less than scrapping this would work because clearly, those who cry about freedom of speech day in and day out those who call Modi fastest day in and day out their silence on this issue would be very very troubling so
I would hope that the Antifa activists of India would awaken themselves and take notice and cognizance of this attempt to muzzle free speech in Kerala right in fact at this point in time the government is attempting a face-saver we have breaking inputs coming in the Kerala dgp has said that a special standard operating procedure will be prepared before taking action on the amendment to the Kerala police act where Karen Allen continues to be with us now, of course, uh the government is realizing fully well that uh this is not going down well with the opposition neither with the people the activists another government says a sop will be prepared exactly the dgp has come out and said that a standard operating procedure will be there uh before uh you know taking any action to remember this according to
this particular new ordinance that the police can so motor register a case against a person you do not have you know a third party or any person to file a defamation case earlier we have a defamation case, uh you know will be filed against a media house if at all they find that there is anything uh which is against the government or if at all they find uh that is it is malicious now there is no need of a defamation case that we find so the amount of case can be registered now against which now a large number of human rights activists and opposition party leaders have raised their voice and it's at this juncture that the dgp himself has come out and said that you know the set of uh you know protocols
will be followed and only then that the action will be taken now this is clearly a face-saver at this point of time remember the CPM's ally the cpi uh you know the theme and the other party uh which is an ally in the ldf government has also come out against this particular ordinance um issued a statement saying that the government should recheck this, uh you know uh ordinance and then come up uh with a renewed, uh you know ordinance where stringent laws uh are not uh against uh put against the ordinary citizens of the country all right Vivek thank you very much for joining us with those details we'll keep coming back to you for more updates
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